At the end of each year, the Newnan High School Band hosts an awards night to honor all of the hard work that our band students have done over the academic year. Our goal is that every student is recognized for their achievements. Awards in the Newnan High School Band are specifically based on things that the students have done. This paves a way for all students to have the opportunity to be recognized, regardless of ability level, grade level, or other similar factors.
To receive any of the awards listed below, a student must be “in good standing,” not have a balance due on their band student account, and they must complete the awards application.
Level 1 Awards:
Here are the Band Awards that students may apply for:
Mastery Achievement Recognitions. Students will be recognized for mastery movements that they have achieved between August and February of the school year.
Honor Band Recognitions. Students will be recognized for district and state auditions, district honor band, and the all state band.
Ensemble Recognitions. Students who participate in a concert band, small chamber ensembles, marching band, percussion ensemble, winter guard, winds, and any other recognized Newnan High School ensemble.
Level 2 Awards:
In addition to this awards above, we recognize students who “letter” in band (a student receives a chevron for each subsequent year they meet these requirements). To receive a letter in band (award that you place on your letter jacket), you must meet the following criteria.
Participate in two semesters of band class for the academic year.
For color guard, this can be two semester of any performing or visual arts class at NHS or electing to do both marching band and winter guard.
Participate in one extra curricular band (Marching Band, Winter Guard, Indoor Percussion).
The student must be a member in “good standing” with no balance due on their student account as of Feb. 1st.
Some students will earn their “Chevron” for their jacket. A chevron is earned when a student a meets the criteria for lettering in band for 2 or more consecutive years (both two semesters of band for each year and one extra curricular band). Students earn Chevrons for the following actives:
Marching Band
Winter Guard
Indoor Percussion
Level 3 Awards
These awards are considered the highest awards given by our band program. To be recognized for this awards, a student must meet a higher set of obligations.
High Distinction Award
The student must have completed 4 semesters of band class, 2 years of marching band, lettered once in band, earned one chevron for band, completed 5 music service hours, be in good standing with no balance due on their student account, minimum NHS discipline issues, and two teacher recommendation forms.
Tri-M Music Honors Society
Juniors who have completed 6 semesters of band class, 3 years of marching band, lettered once in band, earned two chevrons for band, completed 5 addition music service hours (see high distinction award), be in good standing with no balance due on their student account, minimum NHS discipline issues, and two teacher recommendation forms for initial recognition.
Only seniors are eligible for the Tri-M Music Honors Society honor cords. Seniors will receive their honor cords for achieving this distinction through their senior year (clarification: meaning an additional 2 semesters of bands class, extra curricular band, 5 additional service hours).
Newnan Music Institute.
See page related to Newnan Music Institute
Leadership Award
The directors and staff will chose a student(s) who have demonstrate exemplary leadership over the course of their time at Newnan High School. This award is typically only given to one male and one female student.
All State Band Award
We formally recognize all students who earn a placement in the GMEA All State Band.
Master Musician Award
This award is considered the highest award given by the Newnan High School Band. To be recognized with this award, a student must complete all of the Mastery Movement System pass offs and tasks. Typically, it would take a student 4 years to accomplish this goal, although we have had a junior achieve this level in the past.
In conclusion, it is our hope that all students see that they are eligible for any award they desire to have. Many of these awards are based on dedication, others are based on high levels of achievement, and only 1 award is chosen by the directors and staff (Leadership Award). If you want to achieve it, all it takes is sacrifice, dedication, and commitment. Go achieve your goals!